Dear Sunny Coast, It is with heavy hearts that we announce the closure of all La Canteena operations effective at the conclusion of dinner service tonight, Sunday March 22. Though our financial viability has been compromised by the public safety measures introduced throughout last week we 100 percent support the implementation of these measures and feel that to further encourage patronage is putting people at risk and is at odds with the messaging. Over the weekend we observed people unnecessarily touching security guards, trying to high five bartenders, spit on things, share drinks, share cigarettes and a host of other unhygienic, virus-spreading behaviours that we feel, by being open, we empower. Please guys, we need to take this seriously! A short term hit to your social life will ensure the shortest possible interruption to your normal. We promise to be back with the best bands, DJs, food and good times when it is responsible and safe to do so. ‘Til then, keep clean, stay home and watch out for each other. From Alex, Dimi and the La Canteena Family

Dear Sunny Coast, It is with heavy hearts that we announce the closure of all La Canteena operations effective at the conclusion of dinner service tonight, Sunday March 22. Though our financial viability has been compromised by the public safety measures introduced throughout last week we 100 percent support the implementation of these measures and feel that to further encourage patronage is putting people at risk and is at odds with the messaging. Over the weekend we observed people unnecessarily touching security guards, trying to high five bartenders, spit on things, share drinks, share cigarettes and a host of other unhygienic, virus-spreading behaviours that we feel, by being open, we empower. Please guys, we need to take this seriously! A short term hit to your social life will ensure the shortest possible interruption to your normal. We promise to be back with the best bands, DJs, food and good times when it is responsible and safe to do so. ‘Til then, keep clean, stay home and watch out for each other. From Alex, Dimi and the La Canteena Family

Source: La Canteena Facebook
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